Ramp Health

Ramp Health

4.3 (5 reviews) /
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Ramp Health - vendor materials
Ramp Health - vendor materials
Ramp Health - vendor materials
Ramp Health - vendor materials

Ramp Health Info & Features

Established in 2002, Ramp Health is an international, comprehensive healthcare service provider catering to individuals, businesses, and government organizations and their risk mitigation needs. Services include clinical services (like flu shot clinics, health screenings, primary care, and emergency response), mental health support), a digital health platform, and access to a nationwide network of over 25,000 healthcare professionals. They also offer engagement tools like newsletters and challenges to promote health awareness. Ramp Health is kn ...

Lives Serviced
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Full CDC Recognition for DPP
GDPR Compliant
Top Offerings
Wellness Platform
Health Coaching
Biometric Screenings
Average Cost
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Key Clients
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Clients Your Size
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Ramp Health Info & Reviews

4.3 Overall Score from 5 reviews












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Ramp Health Info & Marketing Materials

Product Summary - Biometric Screenings - Ramp Health Biometric Screenings

Product Summary - Ramp Health Overview - Get to know Ramp Health's capabilities

Product Summary - Flu Shot Clinics - Nationwide, rapid deployed Flu Shot Clinics for employers, health plans and Gov

Product Summary - 2023Fight The Flu Report - Whitepaper explaining why and how a flu shot clinic benefits organizations

Product Summary - Metabolic Syndrome - Overview of Chronic Condition Management - Metabolic Syndrome

Product Summary - Diabetes - Overview of Chronic Condition Management - Diabetes

Product Summary - Flu Shot Clinic Guide - Guide to holding a successful flu shot clinic

Product Summary - Digital Health - Overview of Ramp Health Digital Heath Platform Benefits and Advantages

Product Summary - Outcomes - Ramp Health - A summary of Ramp Health's superior outcomes

Product Summary - Safety & Injury overview - Overview of Ramp Health Safety and Injury prevention coaching

Product Summary - Staffing Services - Overview of Ramp Health Staffing Services

Product Summary - Seminars and Activities - A list of Ramp Health seminars and activities offered by our Coached & RDs

Product Summary - Mental Health & Wellbein - Overview of Ramp Health Mental Health and Wellbeing Services

Product Summary - Mental Health Certificat - Ramp Health offers mental Health First Aid certification for organizations

Product Summary - Flu Shot Clinics - Ramp Health Flu Shot Clinics overview

Product Summary - Onsite Clinical Services - Ramp Health on-site, near site, and mobile clinical services overview

Product Summary - Coaching Services - Ramp Health Coaching Services Overview

Product Summary - Flu Shot Clinics - Guide for employers to use to simplify the planning process for on-site event

Product Summary - Biometric Screenings - Guide for employers and municiplaities to plan an on-site event

Product Summary - Weight Management - Guide for employers on Weight Management

Case Study - Our Unique Approach - Ramp Health Interdisciplinary Approach to Healthcare Across the Continuum

Case Studies Flip Book 2024f pdf.pdf

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Ramp Health Info & Comparisons

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